Featuring the usual suspects

Featuring the usual suspects

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The Lakeland Terrors

This is the final version of our new jersey, inspired by:
  1. Beer.
  2. The tourists who think as they own a Range Rover they have the right to drive it down the middle of the road so they don't mark their alloys. Not the ones that actually respect where they are and get their wheels dirty.
  3. Doug and his love of beer.
  4. People who make beer.
  5. People who drink beer.
  6. Riding bikes, especially while doing inspiration 7
  7. Overtaking people who drive Range Rovers down steep hills too slowly.
  8. People who don't take life and inspirations 2 and 7 on this list too seriously.
  9. Oh and more beer.
  10. A combination of 2, 6 and 7 with 1 and 9 is only acceptable if performed consecutively. Wrynose heading east is good for 2, 6 and 7, stopping at the Three Shires for 1 and 9 and to socialise with 4, 5 and 8, whilst reminiscing over 3.
Well I say final the finished version should have the climbs of the Lakeland Terror on one side and the Valleys on the other but they wouldn't show up on this any way. So all we need to do now is decided when we're going to do the challenge now the jersey has sparked a crazy idea! - I'll blame Phil for that one.

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