Featuring the usual suspects

Featuring the usual suspects

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Its raining, again

Doug is working over here but originates from sunny, dry and warm - Colorado, is starting to get a little frustrated with our Cumbrian weather. After nearly two years of rain its starting to get him down. Well he's been here two years and for a Coloradium it feels like its rained the whole time. Kelly, his wife, gets her sun fixes every now and then by going home, which just leaves Doug in more of a pickle as he needs to get out to relieve the boredom when shes away but that just means more muddy rides! Here's a reminder of our 'dry' spring when we rode the cross border trail from Newcastletown (Scotland) to Kielder (England) and back. Why ride to Scotland when you can drive there and ride back to England. Oops the cars still in Scotland, lets go back and get it................... Then break it!  But thats another story


  1. Yea, it rains here, that’s an understatement. We don’t ride in the train at home in Colorado because it makes big ruts in the trails that are mostly clay. And, when it rains, you just have to wait 2 hours and it stops and is sunny again. But I am slowly getting used to it here where if you don’t ride in the rain, you don’t ride. Paul and his friends have shown me some great tails and some excellent road rides. 30% climbs on road bikes, that’s just silly. So, I hope to figure out how to upload some photos and contribute to Paul’s boredom.


  2. But you're forgetting the snow they get in Colorado and the occasional tornado. 56" in just over a week when I was out there visiting family in 2006. Got caught driving in both blizzards. Then I decided to skip visiting for the skiing and visit in the summer - May 2008. In-laws have family in Windsor who managed to avoid the tornado that flattened most of the town.

    So I'll stick with Cumbrian weather - its predictably unpredictable but never to extremes.
