Featuring the usual suspects

Featuring the usual suspects

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Spielburg - we're not! Episode 1

I've had several attempts over the years of getting good movie footage whilst biking and climbing. Most attempts have never been that successfull. The video quite often does not do the speed or difficulty justic and the set up I had with a helmet camera coupled to a camcorder was a pain as I had to start recording then put the camcorder in my backpack.

Here's and example of some footage I took a while ago of a quite fast trail just up the road from me.

See what I mean, looks quite tame.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Its raining, again

Doug is working over here but originates from sunny, dry and warm - Colorado, is starting to get a little frustrated with our Cumbrian weather. After nearly two years of rain its starting to get him down. Well he's been here two years and for a Coloradium it feels like its rained the whole time. Kelly, his wife, gets her sun fixes every now and then by going home, which just leaves Doug in more of a pickle as he needs to get out to relieve the boredom when shes away but that just means more muddy rides! Here's a reminder of our 'dry' spring when we rode the cross border trail from Newcastletown (Scotland) to Kielder (England) and back. Why ride to Scotland when you can drive there and ride back to England. Oops the cars still in Scotland, lets go back and get it................... Then break it!  But thats another story

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Life in the Lakes

I can't sit still, I always need a challenge, this is maybe just another one of those challenges. I've started a blog!