Featuring the usual suspects

Featuring the usual suspects

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Aftermath - old guys should know better.

Doug has just sent me this, his bruises 48 hours later.

Doug - I hope that's the aftermath of excess beer over the years and not swelling. Or is it just a bad camera angle?

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Borrowdale HSAB

Today the sun came out and so did the mountain bikes. I think my outlook on life is at a different angle to everyone else. Or my helmet camera is cockeyed! The footage is a little tilted.

I joined Andy, Doug, Phil and Adrian on a backwards ride around some of the Borrowdale bash today. Setting of from Adrian's house in Keswick. A cold day with the remnants of the recent snow here and there and some icy patches to content with.

Two crashes - Phil decided that the trail ahead looked a bit dodgy so he took a closer look, head first. he'll mend but I think he might need some brake lever repairs.

Doug also decided the trail needed closer inspection, his bike came away unscathed not sure about his pride as the 20 ft dive was right in front of spectators.

Both crashes were behind me so unfortunately were not captured on film.

From left to right. Andy, Adrian, Me, Phil, Doug


Can anyone ride up Castle Crag?

Borrowdale HSAB 18-12-11.wmv

Scafell Pike

 Saturday 17-12-11. I love the lakes in the winter, especially when we get snow. Max and I went for a walk. ended up on top of Scafell pike. We were first there as there were no other foots prints in the deep snow. Max is perfect for the snow, being small and light with big (for his size) fluffy feet that act as snow shoes. His only downfall is when the drifts get two deep he then has to follow my footprints.

My mountain dog

Deserted summit cairn, you don't see that very often

Wasdale head

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Crag Fell

Decided to dodge the rain today and went for a walk up Blake Fell with the dogs. On the south side of Ennerdale overlooking Anglers crag, at about 1700 ft its a fairly straight foward walk up but gets you fairly high fairly fast.

Starting in the trees you get a lot of shelter even with the lack of leaves at this time of year.

The path then arrives on the fell side where it soon crosses Ben Gill
Ben Gill
 A lonely boundary post, the fence has long gone.
'Francis Morton and Co Liverpool' went to the trouble of embossing their name on the post when it was made.
My companions for the day.
Max (black) and Jack (white)